The Morgan Stallion is one of the marvels of the horse world. His disposition, quietness, willingness, and versatility is legendary. From the reputation and legacy of Justin Morgan the stallions we are honored to have carry on that heritage. I have seen these stallions nose the foals in their pasture herd, nuzzle small children who wandered into the pasture, work cattle, act like they are carrying a fragile package when mounted by a novice and give their all with vigor when asked. Their stamina coupled with a willing spirit make the Morgan a “horse to breed to.” We use our stallions. They are western working Morgan Horses. This personality and ability is passed on to their foals. Each stallion has some special point that makes him an outstanding sire. View each one and choose which one you want to breed that special mare(s) to obtain the foal you have been wanting! Look at some of the pictures of the get of these studs.

Name: Truwest Silver Suede
Pedigree Link: Click Here
Truwest Silver Suede is our Sr. Stallion at this time. He is a son of S Bar B Pierre Noire and Truwest Adobe Rose. We have the best of two breeding programs, The Blankenship Morgans, Truwest, and the Cross Ranch of Dubois. Suede has the disposition we demand in a breeding stallion, the size that is necessary in these Western Working Morgans and as a special surprise, the dun gene. He is a grullo, and for those of you who wonder what that is, it is a mouse grey color, the result of the dun gene acting on a black horse. Suede stands 15.3 hands and is massive. His bone is big and thick. His disposition is absolutely fabulous. He also carries the cream gene and gives some wonderful colored babies. We offer live cover and AI. Announcement: Silver Suede semen is being shipped to Australia. We have him in Oklahoma city at a Clinic where they freeze semen for overseas distribution. He is doing exceptional and will be home soon. We are excited that his genetics will be a part of the gene pool in the Australian Morgan world. More information to follow.

Name: Mtn Edge Black Chrome
Pedigree Link: Click Here
This black stallion joined our herd in 2016. Mt Edge Chrome is a gaited Morgan stallion. He tests A/A in the synghro gait testing. Over the years we have had some gaited Morgan foals and have often wondered where they came from. These gaited Morgans we have raised have been extremely popular and in our breeding program very rare. A few years ago I began to think about adding some gaited stock to our breeding program. With the help of some knowledgeable breeders, we began to investigate the nuances of getting gaited stock. Check our MARES page and you will find some gaited Morgan Mares we have added. Over the years the majority of gaited Morgans have been in the Utah breeders. Recently there have been some gaited Morgans in other well known breeding programs. Our new stallion is sired by GRM in the Black, and shows the classic black and size and conformation of the well known “Grunden Morgans” of Curtis, Nebraska. His dam, Mary Mels Swinger, has the bloodlines of “who’s who” in the gaited Morgan world. Chrome stands over 15.2 hands with the traits of an awesome head, wide front end and chest and amazing hind quarters, there is nothing about this young stallion you won’t like. Perhaps the most amazing thing about this stud horse is his quiet and gentle personality. We thank Jared and Dan Young for allowing us to purchase this stallion. Be sure to check out the gaited mares to our lineup that now producing some gaited foals.

Name: Royal Legend
Pedigree Link: Click Here
Royal Legend is an amazing young stallion sired by AMBERFIELDS BLAZE N DUN out of Truwest Adobe Rose. Legend is homozygous dun and homozygous black. He is 15 hands at 22 months. We will stand him to a limited number of mares in 21. He has some amazing bone, good quiet disposition and will match our other stallions here at Bar None Ranch.